Accident Detection Algorithm

The accident detection algorithm is built using AI (Deep Learning).
By using SCSK's SNN (SCSK Neural Network toolkit), an AI model building solution, the accident detection algorithm is trained on accidental and non-accidental impact data after data analysis.


Image of accident detection service utilization

In order for general insurance companies to provide advanced accident response service to drivers (policyholders) who have caused accidents, we have built a service that detects "accidents", which is the starting point for accident response service.
This service make it possible to detect accidents more quickly and accurately.


Features of Accident Detection Service

Feature(1):Enable to analyzing any kind of data

Since we developed algorithms Utilizing AI (Deep Learning),Any kind of data can be analyzed, and accidents/no accidents can be determined with high accuracy (*).
* Determined with an accuracy of 90% or more (based on results of actual service).


Feature(2):Compatible with multiple devices

The accident detection algorithm does not only analyze data from specific devices but can also analyze data from any device by adding its own processing(*) to the data.
* The original processing of data has been patented.